Ali Menzies, Chairperson
Ali has been in this role since 2005. He has been skateboarding in Edinburgh constantly since 1988 barring a few breaks to heal broken bones. Initially his days were spent at Bristo Square street skateboarding until the new dawn of Concrete skateparks in Scotland. Although the closure of Bristo Square is still a sore point. He can now be found skating Saughton or Portobello skateparks in Edinburgh a few times a week with his son Kieran who rides for Santa Cruz. He also has two other kids which keep him busy at home. He spends a lot of time trying to organise events for Skateboard Scotland such as War of the Thistles. To pay the bills he currently works as a Vice President for a corporate bank.

Sam Paterson, Vice-Chairperson
Sam started skating in Glasgow in 1987 and spent 3 years working in Clan skates before moving to Edinburgh in 1993 where he’s lived ever since. Sam works for a coffee company and skates with some of the old Bristo crew every week.

Neil Currie, Treasurer
Neil has been skateboarding since the early 90s. A father of 2 living in Fife and working in Edinburgh. Whenst not carrying out fatherhood duties or skating he can usually be found behind a camera or devising new and ingenious ways of using up spare time.

Rick Curran, Secretary
Rick started skateboarding after watching ‘Future Primitive’ in 1985. Rick has been actively involved in skateboarding since then and helped design and build The Factory skateparks that have been built in Dundee since the late 80’s. His main skatespot is the concrete park in Dudhope Park. Rick’s day job is web design & development. He’s married to Annie and has three children, Natalie, Gabriella and Timothy.

Russ Crichton, Vice-Secretary

Dasha Vinogradov-Wouters, Committee Member
Dasha started skateboarding during her studies at Edinburgh University, dropping in on her 3rd day at Saughton skatepark and the rest is history. She is a member of Girl Skate Scotland, a group that organises skate events and encourages inclusivity within skateboarding. Dasha has also lived on and off in China for multiple years, with skateboarding accompanying her on travels. Now she is back in Scotland, working as a Governance Consultant at a London firm.

Katie McGunnigle, Committee Member
Kt worked at Transition Extreme in Aberdeen for a number of years, engaging young people through creativity and sport, setting up weekly girl skate nights, fundraising and promoting a safe space for people to engage in new opportunuties. Primarily from a Third Sector background in Youth Work Kt loves working with people to help them feel apart of a community and thinks skateboarding helps young people (and adults!!) build confidence, resilience and the opportunity to meet people from different walks of life. Kt now lives in Glasgow and has loved getting to know new faces and seeing different skatespots in the City.

Jonty Lawson, Committee Member
I got my first skateboard when Avril Lavigne released Sk8er Boi in 2002 – 22 years later and I’m still talking about it! During one of the many lockdowns in 2021 I was ‘board’ to death and decided to start a podcast focused on bringing the Scottish skate community together, respecting and familiarising with one another. We’ve spoken about everything from gender, sobriety, ageism and so, so much more. Three years later BOARD TO DEATH is going off with more than 60 people appearing throughout two seasons with tens of thousands of streams worldwide. Got a talking point or conversation within Scottish skateboarding you want to discuss? Hit me up!
PS – Still listening to Avril daily.

Taran Campbell, Committee Member
Taran is 33 and from Inverness. He helped create the Highland Skate Parks Association and has spent about half his life trying to improve skateboard facilities in the Highlands.
His greatest success will be the building of the new Inverness Skatepark this summer. He organises the local skate events and trips as well as running skateboard workshops and clubs.
He has a lifelong addiction to skateboarding and travel and is unstoppable at connect 4!

Liam Dargie, Committee Member
Liam started skating around 15 years ago and hails from Perth, (the best park in Scotland that everyone forgets about haha) loves a good trip to Copenhagen or anywhere with some good bowls, theres nothing better than a good frontside grind on some pool blocks! He has been helping organise the Perth jam for the last 4 years or so, tasks ranging from organising sponsors to running the event on the day. Its always a blast so make sure to look out for it!

Murray McCormick, Committee Member
But for that pesky Mr Omond, Murray would claim to be the veteran having skated since the 70’s. Two of his sons have thrived on the skate scene thanks to all of the work done by Skateboard Scotland. Murray has been involved in the grassroots/diy build scene in Edinburgh since 2012 and can be found most weekends skating anywhere around the central belt .

Jamie Blair, Committee Member

Hamish McKnight, Committee Member
GB Snowsport. Head Coach, Freestyle Snowboard.
Beginning his career as a professional snowboarder, Hamish remains to this day a time served and committed skater. Throughout his successful career as a Team GB Head Coach he has led our national team program and athletes to numerous medals in Olympic Games, X-Games and many other world class competitions. Currently working on the Masters in Sporting Directorship through Manchester Met University he’s also able to apply his wealth of action sports knowledge and experience at an executive level.

Paul McMonagle, Committee Member
With skateboarding being a huge influence in my life, it led me to joining my brother Mark on an SB business venture that threw us deeper into the skate scene and meeting the people within it. From running the shop, hosting events/competitions and meet ups, It’s the passion that skaters have for their sport that drives me.

Mark McMonagle, Committee Member
Growing up in Glasgow skating the streets, it’s been a passion of mine since I was 13, then started FakieSB with my brother Paul to keep doing something we love along side making it our job! After kitting the shop out with a mini ramp and spine, we can still get a skate in amongst all the work even if it’s the typical Glasgow weather outside, which also makes for the best lunch breaks.