Event date: July 19, 2009:
Nic Powley sent over word about a comp going down at Adrenaline Alley Park in Corby, the venue for the UK Champs competition. If you’ve ever wondered how you get sponsored or know of any kids that rip then this might be for you:
I know this won’t be of much interest to many of you but if you couldspare a moment to forward it on to anyone you know who is of a decentstandard and unsponsored it would be really appreciated – any age.The comp will be held on the UK champs street course and the winner ineach age group will get automatic entry into the UK champs 2009 inSeptember. (The UK Independent Vert series already nurtures new talentwith the inclusion of a B-Group on all the dates)
After the success of the UK Champs I’m to set this up as a legit annualthing, kind of a UK version of Tampa Am. Sidewalk and Mpora will becovering it so it will be a realistic way of ‘getting noticed’ as wellas being the usual good laugh and general get- together. I personallybelieve that it’s something the UK scene could really do with plus itwill hopefully cut down the amount of e- mails I get asking me ‘how do Iget sponsored’!!!!
Obviously a lot of these potential entrants won’t be checking forumseveryday or reading every issue of Sidewalk cover to cover so I’mrelying really heavily on word of mouth which is where you come in.Everyone I speak to tells me they know someone who’s sick and should besponsored so this is for them.
Just to clarify the term ‘sponsored’: If you’re not on the full team orflow list for a brand then you are unsponsored. For the sake ofargument if you’re shop sponsored only you will be allowed to enter(no offence shops, you’re nurturing of skaters is very important!).If you get given a few free bits by so and so because you skate with himor his team we’ll also let that slide! All clear
Any other questions please mail me. Support and a decent turnout thisyear will hopefully mean I can make this a fixture in the calender forthe forseeable future.