Concrete Slayer Series 2013 – Buckie Leg…

Skateboard Scotland in association with SYB once again arranged to hold one of the legs of the Concrete Slayer Series up North with this time around Buckie being the host town.
It was absolutely roasting hot and the park is situated in an old tennis court so there was not a drop of shade to be had. As usual with events which we have held up North the attendance from the central belt was relatively meagre with only 2 car loads making the mission north. For the folk in the Chairman’s car we hit up Old Meldrum first which is a rad quirky wee park and well worth a visit if you are up that way. Just mind and bring a brush to sweep up the glass as it seems to be the local underage drinking hang out. It has some weird lines but is rad to skate. We also hit up the lovely new concrete laid by your friendly Scottish skaters at Concreate Skateparks at Dundee on the return leg so all in all it was a good trip for the travellers.
Regarding the comp itself. Due to the heat and the small PA which Skateboard Scotland had to sort out last minute, I think this was the most mellow comp which I have ever run. Everyone was having fun skating in the sun and although it was a mellow vibe there was some gnarly skating going on. Kieran was destroying it, pulling big ollies all over the place and generally making the park look like it was really easy to skate. I will however assure you that the park is not that easy to skate due to the modular Bendcrete build which was leads to some tough lines and a well steep pyramid. It is however fun to skate and worth a visit for sure. Martin was getting tech as usual making some rad tricks which only he knows the names for. The Elgin crew consisted of TJ and Viking and they both skated very well to bring in 3 and 4th respectively. Locals Matty Thomson and Wee Man were hyped on the comp and showed that they know how to skate their local park. McSteez had not sleep all night and was funny to watch.
Here are the results:
1. Kieran Menzies
2. Martin Maguire
3. Richard Belton (Viking)
4. TJ
5. Matty Thomson
6. Wee Man
7. Ali Bongo
8. Brian Inglis
9. McSteez
10. Elliot Bowie
Points scored go towards the Concrete Slayer Series with the final Jam for the Series being at Perth on the 1st of September. Next legs are Saughton on the 27th July, Falkirk on the 3rd of August and Dundee and Perth on the last weekend in August. So get yourselves to the events and win some points. You have Martin to beat.

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